Technical Reference
Manual-XPM3m Revision Date: August 2014
Under the rear of the oven, locate the cell where the motor is to be installed.
Assemble three screw assemblies. A screw assembly consists of one 3mm hex head screw, one flat
washer, and one rubber washer in that order. The rubber washers are to aid in vibration isolation.
Using RTV, put a very small dab on each support leg of the motor. Place one rubber washer (not the rubber
washer from the screw assembly in Item 2 above) on the bottom of each motor leg and position them so
they are centered on the screw holes.
Put a small amount of RTV into each of the fan mounting holes on the cell plate.
Insert one screw assembly into a hole on the motor base and place the motor up against the cell face.
CAUTION: Orient the motor so the wires will reach the terminal block.
Center the holes and hand-start
the screw. Tighten it until it is snug.
Insert the second screw into a hole on the motor base and hand start it. Tighten it until it is snug.
Finally, insert the last motor mounting screw into the last hole and hand start it. Tighten it until it is snug.
Using the 3mm T-handle, tighten all three screws until they are tight and the motor is securely fastened onto
the cell plate.
Properly connect the motor wires to the connector block. (Red=L2, Yellow=L3, Blue=L1)
Place the fan mounting gauge on the cell on the cell face with the opening of the V facing the rear of the
oven and surrounding the motor shaft. Make sure that the sides of the gauge are between the screws in the
cell plate. See drawing of the fan gauge.
Place the matching fan blade onto the motor shaft of the motor just installed. Note that the fan has two
setscrews and the motor shaft has two flats on it.
With the fan blade resting on the gauge, tighten the setscrews with a 3mm hex head bit on a torque wrench
set to 50 inch pounds(5.65 N.m). Remove the gauge by sliding it forward and lifting it out of the cell.
Retrieve the heater panel for this cell and lay it into place in the cell. Be careful not to bend the
thermocouple wire. Prop the heater panel up from the front so the heater wires can be reconnected.
Reconnect the wires to the panel referring to the SKETCH made when the panel and wires were removed.
Use a 2.5 hex head key and a 7mm open end wrenche to prevent tearind the foil connected to the lower
(closest to the panel) nut on the stud. Reconnect the thermal switch.
Carefully place the thermocouple wire in its protective 1.7mm vinyl tubing through the correct hole in the
panel. If the thermocouple(s) was NOT marked (circled) before removing the panel, then count three rows
from the right and seven holes from the front to locate the correct hole. If the Oven has the Independent
Alarm Scanner (IAS) over-temperature sensing option, refer to the SKETCH to locate the second
After the thermocouples are located in their proper holes, lower the heater panel in place. Remove the vinyl
tubing from the thermocouple(s).
Replace the front panel bracket and fasten it down with the Philips screw. Replace the rear heater panel
bracket and fasten it down with the Philips screw.
Install the support angle brackets on the left and right side of the heater panel.
Carefully bend the thermocouple probes into the proper position under the hold down clamps, and tighten
the clamps screws.(Do NOT use longer screws, they will damage the heater panel)
Reconnect the conveyor system. See the procedures for reconnecting rails and chains and reconnecting
the belt.