VITA Easyshade
Advance 4.0
Modes of operation
4.1 Short description of the modes of operation
4.1.1 Measurement of the basic shade
With this measurement you can determine the basic tooth shade on natural
teeth only. The suitable VITABLOCS and bleached shade can be displayed for
the basic tooth shade.
4.1.2 Averaged measurement
This measurement is calculated as an average basic tooth shade from several
basic shade measurements. The suitable VITABLOCS and bleached shade can
be displayed for the basic tooth shade.
4.1.3 Measurement on tooth areas
This measurement enables the determination of the basic tooth shade
cervically, centrally and incisally on natural teeth only.
4.1.4 Measurement on a ceramic restoration
This measurement is used for:
– Comparing the shade of a ceramic restoration with a tooth shade
stored in the Easyshade Advance 4.0
– Comparing the shade of a ceramic restoration with a previously
measured tooth shade (user standard)
– The pure shade determination of a ceramic restoration
(user standard)
The VITA SYSTEM 3D mixed shades can be activated with this button
Modes of operation