VITA Easyshade
Advance 4.0
Correct measurement of a tooth
The instrument may be used to measure only the central area on a tooth
("Basic shade measurement") or to measure the cervical, central and incisal
areas ("Measurement of tooth areas") as described in section 4.
Procedure to perform accurate measurements with VITA Easyshade
Advance 4.0 (for purposes of illustration, the probe tip is shown without
an anti-infection cover):
Have the patient sit on a chair and lean back his head.
Observe the color gradient of the tooth to be measured precisely
beforehand and locate the dentine centre.
The probe tip must be placed on the area of the enamel surface
that has underlying dentine (central to cervical area).
The probe tip must be placed perpendicular and flush
to the tooth surface as shown in the adjacent figure (fig. 14).
While holding the probe tip steady against the dentine center
of the tooth, press the Measurement button and hold the probe tip
against the tooth until two rapid "beeps" can be heard to indicate
completion of the measurement.
VITA Easyshade Advance 4.0 will display the results of the measurement.
Incorrect placement (fig. 15):
Probe tip not flush on the tooth surface.
Correct measurement of a tooth