IP DECT Deployment on Ships
The base stations should be placed in a “z-configuration” from deck
to deck due to the spherical coverage area from each base station.
Leaky Cable Solution
This solution comprises a leaky or radiating cable that is connected to a
specially modified base station with two antenna ports. The radio signals
can then be sent through the cable which then radiates the signals. This
type of leaky cable and base station solution is mainly used below the
main deck and in rooms having little or no equipment in them.
The handover between base stations and air synchronization are difficult
for rooms that are separated by steel walls.
The Leaky Cable Solution is ideal for deployment in the Below Main
Deck areas, i.e. the lower pump room, storage rooms between the
fore and aft engine rooms, rooms enclosing the moon pool, and steel
corridors and narrow spaces.
Leaky cables have the following advantages over standard base
no handover is needed when moving between rooms/sections as the
cable goes straight through the wall
air sync can be taken in from a base station at the end of the leaky
the end of the leaky cable and the synching base stations can easily
be in the same room
there is less reflection in the “boxy” rooms due to weaker signal (the
signal is divided between separate rooms)
signals are able to penetrate through water-tight doors
Repeaters are generally not recommended for use on ships, except for
areas where there are “coverage holes”, and there is no other way of
closing them. The reason for this is that a repeater requires at least four
air-hops from handset to base and back from base to handset, while a
base station only requires a maximum of two air-hops. The sound quality
deteriorates with each air-hop.
Repeaters should only be deployed where there is no coverage from the
implemented LAN network after base station PoE points have already been
installed. Repeaters only require 230VAC.
There are two types of repeaters available:
Base Repeater Wall
Base Repeater Ceiling
The Base Repeater Ceiling is especially suited for use in corridors.