Hydrosense ID Addressable Water Detection System
Document Part No. 3500039 Issue:01
Page | 10 of 32
7. Front Panel Controls
The front panel contains controls for operating and programming the panel.
The “Lamp Test” and “Silence Buzzer” buttons can be operated at any time. (Access Level 1)
The “More Leak Events” and “More Events” buttons can be operated at any time when there are more events
than can be displayed on the screen. (Access Level 1).
The menu navigation buttons (1, 2, 3 and 4) can be used to enter the password to Access Level 2 (2222), which
then enables the “Silence Alarm (Acknowledge)”, “Re-sound Alarm”, “Reset”, ”Sound Alarms” and “Function”
button. This also gives the user access to the Access Level 2 menu facilities such as “Disabling” and testing parts
of the system.
Access Level 2 can also be entered by operation of the “Enable Control” keyswitch.
The internal panel buzzer will “beep” whenever a button is pressed.
The help “?” button offers additional information relating to the current status of the control panel. For example,
if the panel is in an Alarm or Fault condition then advice on the recommended action will be displayed when the
”?” button is pressed or if a menu function is being accessed then help relating to that function will be displayed
when the “
button is pressed.
With the lid of the control panel open, Access Level 3 controls are revealed. These controls are strictly for service
personnel and should not be operated by the user under any circumstances. Opening the front cover also gives
access to the “PC” Connection Port for programming.
If the processor stops running or re-boots for any reason, the watchdog indicator “W/Dog Operated” will
illuminate as a record of this event, this indicator can only be reset by operating the “W/dog Reset” switch.
It is necessary under some circumstances (after a firmware upgrade for instance) to re-start the processors in
the panel. A reset switch is provided for this purpose labelled “Reset”.
A display “Contrast” adjust control is provided which can be adjusted to suit the lighting conditions or position of
the installed panel. This is a rotary control and can be adjusted with a small terminal screwdriver.
In order to change the configuration of the control panel, the configuration memory must be enabled. This is
done by switching the “Write Enable” slide switch from its normal, right hand position, to the left as indicated by
the arrow beneath it.
A warning is displayed on the LCD when the “Write Enable” switch is in the enabled position to prevent it from
being inadvertently being left in this position. This warning can be reset after the switch has been returned to its
normal position by pressing the front panel “Reset” button. If not reset, the warning will time out a short while
after the “Write Enable” switch is returned to the right hand position.
All of the Access Level 3 controls are recessed to avoid accidental operation but all can be accessed using a small,
terminal screwdriver or similar tool.