Hydrosense ID Addressable Water Detection System
Document Part No. 3500039 Issue:01
Page | 27 of 32
16.3.3. Silenceable
Silenceable is normally applicable to sounder outputs and ensures that the output switches off when the alarm is
silenced/acknowledged by the front panel pushbutton or operation of an input that is configured as an Ack. Alarm
(Acknowledge Alarm input) .
Note: Any output on the Hydrosense ID System is considered as a sounder if the “Silenceable” and
“Sound Alarm” Output attributes are selected. If any of these outputs are faulty or disabled, the
“Sounder Fault/Disabled” indicator will illuminate. These outputs would also be disabled by the
“Disable All Sounders” menu option.
16.3.4. Alert
An alert output will pulse on and off when any alert input is operated. This normally applies to sounders and
would normally be accompanied by the Def. Ring Mode and Silenceable attributes i.e. a sounder output. Note:
Some devices do not support pulsing outputs.
16.3.5. Stage One Delay
Outputs can be delayed from 0 to 5 minutes in half-minute steps by changing the default delay of zero to the
desired time delay setting.
16.3.6. Stage two Delay
If the output is “silenceable”, the stage two-delay option becomes available. The stage two delay gives an
additional time before the output operates after the alarm is acknowledged during the stage one delay.
Note: Care must be taken when configuring outputs with a combination of delays to some outputs
and no delays to other outputs. To start the stage two delay, the “Silence Alarm(Acknowledge
button)” must be pressed during the stage one delay period. If outputs elsewhere on the system are
configured with no output delays and are also configured as “Silenceable”, then these outputs will be
silenced when the stage one delay is acknowledged.
In the majority of systems, the delays to outputs are configured to all sounder outputs to allow a
variable search time and therefore this comment is not applicable.
16.3.7. Zoning
Each output can also be put into a zone or not as required. It is useful to put outputs into zones if the output is
required to respond to Def. ring mode or is to be controlled by a Cause & Effect entry.
Outputs that are not put into a zone and are configured to respond to “Def. ring mode” will always turn on with
any Water Leak condition (i.e. Common Alarm). Care should be taken to ensure that no more than 32 devices
should affected by a single short or break in any detection circuit.
16.3.8. Location Text
Finally, each output can be given a location address. As well as being useful in identifying devices with monitored
outputs and additional power, for fault conditions, the location address can be useful in identifying the device
when compiling Cause & Effects programmes.
16.3.9. Tech Alarm
A Tech Alarm Output will turn on continuously when any Tech Alarm Input is operated.
16.3.10. Pre-alarm
A Pre-alarm Output will turn on continuously when any pre-alarm Input is operated.