Before the heating season, remove any dust from the resistances with compressed air or using a suction
and a soft brush. Visually inspect the condition of the components and tighten any connections if neces-
• Cut the electric power supply at the primary circuit-breaker.
• Open the access doors.
• Visually inspect the condition of the components and tighten any connections.
• Disconnect the cables before taking the electric heater out.
Be careful not to snatch or damage the cables when pulling on the electric heater.
10.7 Replacement parts
132370 ETD touch screen control
ETD Corrigo 28I/O remote touch control
132388 Corrigo E28 ES 3P
Corrigo E28-3 Ports
132389 Command control connecting cable
10m connecting cable for E3-DSP screen
132375 CO2 sensor
SCO2 A 010 400-1100ppm 0-10V CO2 room sensor
132376 CO2 sensor
SCO2 AA 010 400-1100ppm 0-10V CO2 room display sensor
132377 CO2 sensor
SCO2 G MIX 400-1100ppm 0-10V 4-20mA CO2 duct sensor
132258 Room sensor
TG-R5/PT1000 Wall room sensor 0 to 30°C
132262 Hygrometry sensor
SHUR 0010 Hygrometry sensor 0-10V 0-100% RH wall assembly
680211 M5 fi lter
FSDR M5 fi lter 437x668x48 miniplis KSDR 48
680212 M5 fi lter
FSDR M5 fi lter 595x908x48 miniplis KSDR 88
680213 M5 fi lter
FSDR M5 fi lter 592x592x48 miniplis KSDR 120
680231 F7 fi lter
FSDR F7 fi lter 437x668x98 miniplis KSDR 48
680232 F7 fi lter
FSDR F7 fi lter 595x908x98 miniplis KSDR 88
680233 F7 fi lter
FSDR F7 fi lter 592x592x98 miniplis KSDR 120
680241 F9 fi lter
FSDR F9 fi lter 437x668x98 miniplis KSDR 48
680242 F9 fi lter
FSDR F9 fi lter 595x908x98 miniplis KSDR 88
680243 F9 fi lter
FSDR F9 fi lter 592x592x98 miniplis KSDR 120
018214 Plug fan
PFOI 35 Plug fan ECM D355 1000W Tri 400V KSDR 48
018216 Plug fan
PFOI 80 Plug fan ECM D450 2730W Tri 400V KSDR 88
068389 3 rows heating coil
BAT EC 3R CAIT 48 Heating coil
068390 4 rows heating and dual mode coil
BAT EC/ER 4R CAIT 48 4 rows heating and dual mode coil
068533 4 rows cooling coil
BAT EG 4R CAIT 48 Cooling coil
068395 3 rows heating coil
BAT EC 3R CAIT 88 Heating coil
068396 4 rows heating and dual mode coil
BAT EC/ER 4R CAIT 88 4 rows heating and dual mode coil
068535 4 rows cooling coil
BAT EG 4R CAIT 88 Cooling coil
068397 3 rows cooling coil
BAT EG 3R CAIT 120 Cooling coil
068398 2 rows heating coil
BAT EC 2R CAIT 120 Heating coil
10.8 Maintenance/replacement of the water coil
In order to preserve the features of the coil, drain the water circuit once a year.
According to ambient pollution, and despite the fi ltration, dust may deposit on the coil.
After disassembly, the coil can be cleaned using a water jet, steam or compressed air; take care not to
damage the vanes of the coil.
For any units equipped with reversible cold coils (ER), clean the condensate pan with water and a non-abra-
sive detergent. Check that the air trap is discharged and controlled.