8.7 Time programming
The controller has several clocks which allow the individual programming of: Reduced fl ow, Normal fl ow,
Holiday periods can be programmed and the switch to the summer clock is automatic.
A night cooling function can be programmed to start up the CTA outside of programmed periods.
Clock confi guration:
Only operating ranges are programmed (outside of these ranges, the fan is off ).
The installer can therefore set out two operating ranges in normal speed (default speed or high speed)
and in "reduced" speed (low speed when two speeds are possible). The normal speed is prioritised over
reduced speed; in the event that programming schedules overlap, the unit will operate in normal speed.
For each speed, two ranges can be entered each day.
For instance:
High Speed can be programmed between
8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. in period 1
and between
2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. in period 2
and Low Speed between
6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. in period 1
and between
12:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. in period 2
The automaton will therefore control the fan as follows:
Welcom screen
Sub menus
Single air flow unit
System Normal Fonc
C : 24.0C /R: 17.8C
Running mode
Air control
Time settings
Access rights
In the time menu, before the ranges are programmed, check that the current date and time are accurate.
Adjustments can be made as follows
Time settings
Time / Date
Time :
Date :
Day :
hh : mm
aaaa : mm : jj
j j j j j j j
To access the fi elds, press the validation button (a cursor appears).
Then use the arrows to change the value.
Once the desired value is obtained, press the validation button again.
After all the fi elds are entered on the fi nal validation, the cursor disappears.