7) Press heating button START/STOP ❺. A signal sounds and heating begins. Once heating is completed,
a signal sounds, the display shows „ “ and the time set on display in „minutes“ ⓫ starts counting down.
After the set period a signal sounds. The device is switched off. „ “ a „ “ disappears from the display.
8) Put thermal resistant container under the drain tap ❹ and press down the lever ❸. Water is drained out.
9) After that let the jars to cool down.
HeatinG fLUiD / MaintaininG teMperatUre
WarninG - property DaMaGe!
Pour liquids only to the MAX sign! Otherwise, the liquid may overflow!
1) Pour liquid to the preserving pot (eg. mulled wine or tea).
2) Put on lid 1 to preserving pot.
WarninG - riSk of injUry!
If pot is hot, touch only its holders ❶. The risk of burns!
3) Turn the knob „temperature“ ❺ to set the desired temperature.
4) Press TIMER ❻. The display will show „ “. You do not have to adjust preserving time.
The device heats until turned off.
5) Regularly stir fluids for temperature to spread evenly.
6) Once the desired temperature is reached, a signal sounds.
Liquids without solid parts can be drained using tap ❹:
WarninG - property DaMaGe!
Do not drain the liquid with solid particles, eg. soups. Solid parts clog tap ❹!
1) Hold the glass or other container under the tap and ❹ and press down the lever ❸.
2) When the container is full, release lever ❸.
To drain larger amounts of fluid, pull up the lever ❸ until it stands in a place.
Then you do not have to hold it.
You can keep warm even thick soups in this device.
Stir soup regularly for it not to burn.
overHeatinG proteCtion
This device is equipped with protection against overheating. Overheating can occur when there in too little
water or none in the preserving pot. In this case, a signal sounds and the „ “ symbol flashes. In this case,
immediately pour the water into the pot. If you will not refill a fluid in 5 minutes, device will turn off.
After filling up fluids you can turn it on again.