5354 788 - 03
Vitorond 200, VD2A Series Installation
Hydrostatic Pressure Test
1. Close off main boiler return using a 2½ in. NPT plug
to blank off the return side of the boiler.
2. Close off main boiler supply
and attach a pressure
gage (0-150 psig range) as well as another automatic
air vent (watch for proper pressure rating) to bleed
all air properly from safety header (do not tighten
nuts). Allow air to escape during filling process.
3. If required, remove sensor well and use the
opening for installing shut-off valve or pressure gauge
during the test (0-150 psig range).
4. Fill pressure vessel with room temperature water
and check for proper venting of air.
5. The minimum hydrostatic test pressure must be
127 psig, the maximum at 1½ times the maximum
operating pressure of the boiler (not to exceed 130
psig). Should the city water pressure not be enough,
utilize a hand pump connected to the drain valve
of the boiler.
6. The test pressure should be maintained for 30
minutes. Inspect all top push nipple ports for leakage
using a flashlight. Inspect bottom push nipple ports
for leakage by sliding a piece of cardboard or paper
underneath the cast iron block.
7. When pressure vessel is tight, release pressure
carefully and slowly.
A hydrostatic pressure test is mandatory after the assembly
is complete and prior to the connection of any additional
piping, control, or safety devices to the pressure vessel.
Two metric flanges with welded NPT coupling
connections are supplied with the boiler installation
fittings. Use these flanges to perform the hydrostatic test.
Use a 2½ in. NPT plug to blank off the return side of
the boiler during the hydrostatic test. After successful
completion of the hydrostatic test, remove the plugs.
For models VD2A-125 to VD2A-195 only:
1. Push turbulators into second flue gas passageway
as shown.
2. Attach the combustion chamber door to the front
section and align. Observe the hinge side of the door.
The combustion chamber door is factory assembled
to hinge on the left-hand side. A right-hand hinge
is feasible by rebuilding the door hinge hardware.
Tighten combustion chamber door with M 12 bolts.
3. Insert sight glass into provided opening in combustion
chamber door.
The combustion chamber door can be assembled
as a hinged left- or right-swing door.
Installing turbulator and boiler door
Boiler Assembly