Chapter 1: Preparing for the Installation
Before beginning the actual physical installation of the VidyoPanorama equipment, you should plan the
layout of the displays, camera, and table in the room. You should also determine where you will place the
equipment rack.
Display Layout
VidyoPanorama gives you the flexibility to place your displays in any layout that you choose and on more
than one wall. You can even choose displays of different sizes and mount them landscape, portrait, or a
combination of both.
Many customers choose to place all the displays near each other on the same wall to enable the conference
participants to more easily view all the screens at once.
When determining how to lay out your displays, consider the following:
How many displays do you have?
Do you want to line them up in one row? If not, how many rows do you want?
Are all the displays the same size? If not, which displays do you want to place in which positions?
No matter how you lay out your displays, you should avoid having any of the displays below the level of the
tabletop so that the table does not block the view of the display(s). In addition, if the displays are above
eye level, consider slightly tilting the displays down towards the participants.