Chapter 3: Configuring VidyoPanorama
In the Self-View Priority box, you should have only one display listed since VidyoPanorama
allows only one Self-View display. If you have more than one display listed, you must re-assign
the display types until only one display is listed.
If you click
, the display name appears on the physical display for ten seconds so you
can make sure you assigned the appropriate display.
In the CP Priority box, use the up and down arrows to place the displays in the order in which
you want them to be CPs. That is, the display listed first will be the first to display CP video, the
display listed next will be the second to display CP video, and so on.
If you click
, the display name appears on the physical display(s) for ten seconds so you
can make sure you assigned the appropriate displays.
In the Indications box, use the up and down arrows to place the displays in the order in which
you want the indications to appear. That is, the display listed first will be the first to display
indications, the display listed next will be the second to display indications, and so on.
If you click
, the display name appears on the physical display(s) for ten seconds so you
can make sure you assigned the appropriate displays.
: For information about what Indications means, see the “Indications” section on page
In our example, we assigned our display types like this:
Therefore, we would want the Single Stream box to list this priority order:
Bottom center display (since this is where we want the Single Stream to appear first)
Top center display (since this is where we want a Single Stream to appear second)
Bottom right display (since this is where we want a Single Stream to appear second)
We would want our Content box to list this priority order:
Top center display
Bottom center display
We would want our Self-View box to list this display:
Bottom right display
We would want our CP box to list this display:
Bottom left display
Click the
At this point, you should make a call to see if you like the display layout that you just set up. If you
don’t like it, you can make changes on the Display Layout tab, and then make another call. Continue
making changes and checking them in a call until the layout is the way you like it.
Click the
C & SS
SS &
SV &