V-Tap ISDN BRI Manual EN v2.6 Dec 2018 © 2017-2018 Vidicode 14
Tunnel settings
Tunnel Server Address
Here you fill in the IP address or host name of the Tunnel server that
is going to receive the streamed data coming from the V-Tap ISDN.
Leaving this field empty will disable the Tunnel function all together,
in which case the V-Tap unit must store its data onto an SD card.
The receiving server can be an Apresa recorder or a PC running the
Call Recorder VoIP software. In both cases, the V-Tap needs a license
to allow Tunnel data to be uploaded/streamed to the Tunnel server.
Without a license, the receiving server will discard the Tunnel data.
Tunnel Destination Port
The Tunnel protocol is based on the TCP protocol and that involves a
Destination Port and a Source Port. Both are numbers from 0 till
65535 that are included in each packet and are very important for
the receiving end of the Tunnel data. The receiving Tunnel server
must be setup to look for the same port number as is installed in this
Tunnel Destination Port.
Not all TCP port numbers are available for tunnelling, because some
are officially used by other protocols. For example, port 80 is used for
HTTP in all browsers to communicate over the World Wide Web. A
list of known port numbers can be found on the internet.
The default port number 2016 is not an official port and can be used
safely for this Tunnel protocol. The only drawback that comes by
using an unknown port is, that a firewall will block this port. For that
reason, it is important that any firewall that is passed by the Tunnel
stream must be setup right.
Firewalls must have a rule to let through TCP port 2016.
Tunnel Source Port
The Source Port also has an important role in the Tunnel protocol.
The default number 0 selects randomly a port number between
49152 and 65535. This range of port numbers is recommended by
IANA to be used for dynamic ports.