EN-UK - V.1.2 - 04/01/16
(1 way “2 wire” DDA audio intercom kit)
• New -
selecting this option from the drop down menu will allow a new
database file to be created and saved.
• Open -
selecting this option from the drop down menu will open an existing
database file that has previously been saved.
(The file path location and file
name will be shown at the top of the programmer screen, see below)
• Open Recent
Select this option from
the drop down menu and a list of the most
recent database files that were previously
accessed will be shown. To open select and
click on the relevent file required and the
‘settings’ and ‘apartment’ tabs will show the
saved database information.
• Save -
select this option from the drop down menu to save the database file that is open.
• Save As -
select this option from the drop down menu to save the database file in a specific file location
(a specified file path and location can be selected as shown below)
• Print -
select this option from the drop down menu to print out the settings and the database file
shown on page 21)