6.7.6 Alarm
Here is for you to choose different alarm audios. See Figure 6-44.
ere you can select system AlarmSound.wav file from folder system32 as your audio
Figure 6-44
6.7.7 Channel Name
Here is for you to modify channel name.
The revised channel names will be displayed on the screen.
The default setting of the channel name is Channel No.1 to Channel No.16. See
Figure 6-45.
Please note when you modify channel name in DVR end, this modification not applies
to web end or standalone end, you need to use this interface to refresh.
Figure 6-45
6.7.8 Upgrade
Click upgrade BIOS button, the interface is shown as below. See Figure 6-46.
Open the BIOS file (You can get from our local engineer or download from our web
service) and then click send BIOS button.
During the upgrade process, there is a process bar for your reference.