Dynamic Cut-off
Use VictronConnect to enable and configure Dynamic Cut-off (see
Do not use Dynamic Cut-off in an installation that also has other loads connected to the same
battery: the battery voltage will drop because of the extra load, but the Dynamic Cut-off
algorithm in the Inverter is not aware of that load: hence the Inverter will shut down too early
with an under voltage alarm.
5.3 Configuration by computer
All settings can be changed by means of a smartphone, tablet or computer
For changing settings with a smartphone or tablet, the following is required:
- VictronConnect software: can be downloaded free of charge at www.victronenergy.com.
For changing settings with the computer, the following is required:
- VictronConnect software: can be downloaded free of charge at www.victronenergy.com.
- A VE.Direct to USB interface.
The Phoenix Inverter Smart does not require specific maintenance. It will suffice to check all
connections once a year. Avoid moisture and oil/soot/vapours, and keep the device clean.