Instruments, Features and Controls
The sidestand is located on the left side of the motorcy-
Sidestand Interlock Switch
This vehicle is equipped with a sidestand interlock
switch that prevents the engine from starting, although it
will crank, if the sidestand is extended and the transmis-
sion is in gear. If this occurs, the check engine lamp will
illuminate until the sidestand is retracted or until the
transmission is placed in neutral.
The interlock switch error code will also display in the
diagnostic screen. The SPN will read “520267” and the FMI will read “31”. See page 25.
Turn the ignition switch off to clear the code.
Sidestand Operation
To park the motorcycle, swing the end of the sidestand downward and away from the motor-
cycle until it is fully extended. Lean the motorcycle to the left until the sidestand firmly sup-
ports the motorcycle.
To retract the sidestand, straddle the motorcycle and bring it to the fully upright position.
Swing the end of the sidestand upward and toward the motorcycle until it is fully retracted.
Saddlebag and Trunk Door Locks
Use the ignition key to lock and unlock the trunk and sad-
dlebag doors. The doors should be locked before riding.
To lock a door, place the key in the lock and turn it coun-
ter-clockwise. To unlock a door, turn the key clockwise.
After unlocking a door, press the door lock to release the
latch and open the door.
Refer to the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating information
beginning on page 14 for loading information.