32 Chapter 4 Use Of The Controller
NetSure 731 CC2, NetSure 731 C62 Series Power Supply System User Manual
Alarm level Related relay
Load Share Alarm
In the system w ith load current shunt, the sampled load
current plus battery current differs greatly from rectifier
No alarm
Batt Test Fail
The battery discharging time is shorter than expected
Observation None
Short Test Fail
In short test, the battery discharging capacity is bigger
than setting value
Observation None
Volt Discrepancy
The actual output voltage is different from both the
measured DC bus voltage and the voltage reported by
the rectifier to monitoring unit. The error is bigger than 1V
Observation None
Maintain Alarm
Time to maintain the system
Observation None
Rectifier Lost
The monitoring unit has detected a reduction in the
number of running rectifiers
Save Pow er
The system is running under energy saving status
No alarm
Setting alarm control
At the Alarm Settings screen, press
▲ or ▼ to select the ‘Alarm Control’ menu. Then press the ENT key to enter the
Alarm Control screen, as shown in Figure 4-21.
Alarm Control
Voice Sign: Open
Clear: Hist Alarm
Figure 4-21 Alarm control screen
‘Voice Sign’ option includes: open, off, 3min, 10min, 1h, 4h. You can set it according to your requiremen ts.
‘Clear: Hist Alarm’ option includes: Hist Alarm, Rect Lost, TestFail, ShortTest, ESaveFail and Maintain. If you press
the ENT key, the corresponding alarm information saved in the controller will be cleared.
DI settings
DI settings only have an impact on user-defined DI alarm. At the Alarm Settings screen, press
▲ or ▼ to select the
‘Active: High’ menu, then press the ENT key to enter the DI Settings screen, as shown in Figure 4-22.
Digital 1 Alarm
DI Settings
Active: High
DI No.: 1
Digital 1 Alarm
Active: High
Figure 4-22 DI settings screen
▲ or ▼ to select the needed option. Press ◄ or ► to select the parameter value and press the ENT key to
confirm. Press
▲ or ▼ to modify the number and letter of DI name on the third row after pressing the ENT key to
confirm, and press
◄ or ► to move the cursor left or right, and then input ‘#’ to end. Finally, press the ENT key to
confirm.The value description of the alarm setting parameter is listed in Table 4 -6.
Table 4-6 Description of the alarm parameter setting
Factory setting
Value description
DI No.
1 ~ 8
The eight corresponding connecting terminals, queued up in the order
that the hardw are sw itches are put
DI Name
Figures or letters,
10 at most
When there are DI alarms, this parameter show s the alarm name you
have defined
Alarm Mode
High, Low
High: alarm upon high level; low : alarm upon low level
4.7.2 Battery Settings
Battery parameters are important, because they are related to the life of battery.