26 Chapter 4 Use Of The Controller
NetSure 731 CC2, NetSure 731 C62 Series Power Supply System User Manual
53.5V 125A
Figure 4-10 First system information screen
The date and time are alternately displayed every two seconds. The s ystem state contains Normal and Alarm. The
energy management mode includes Auto and Manual. The battery state includes Float, Temp Co mp, Boost, Cyclic
Boost, Batt. Test, ShortTest and TimeTest.
Save state, rectifier output power and cyclic BC after information
At the first system information screen, press
▼ to enter the screen shown in Figure 4-11.
Save Stat: Y
Sys Used: 80.0%
Cyc BC After:
Figure 4-11 Save state, output power and cyclic BC after information screen
The first row displays the save state. The second row displays the percentage ratio of the rectifier output power to the
rectifier rated power. The last two rows display the boost charge prompt information, they will be different for different
states of the power system, including:
1. Prompt the time of the next cyclic BC according to the battery state.
2. If BC is going on or prohibited,
‘---’ will be prompted.
Battery and remain information
At the screen shown in Figure 4-11, press
▼ to view the battery information shown in Figure 4-12.
Batt1: 0A
Remain: 100%
Batt2: 0A
Remain: 100%
Figure 4-12 Battery information screen
‘Batt1’ and ‘Batt2’ in the preceding screen represent respectively the current that flowed through battery shunt 1 and
battery shunt 2. If several battery strings are connected to one shunt, the displayed current is their total current; if the
‘Shunt Coeff’ of one battery string is set to ‘N’, the corresponding battery information will display ‘None’, and the
remaining capacity will not be displayed.
The remaining battery capacity can be displayed in percentage (default), remaining ampere hours and remaining
AC voltage information
At the battery information screen, press
▼ to display the AC information page. The system will display AC voltage of
the A, B and C phases, as shown in Figure 4-13.
AC 1 Volt
Phase A: 0V
Phase B: 0V
Phase C: 0V
AC 2 Volt
Phase A: 0V
Phase B: 0V
Phase C: 0V
Figure 4-13 AC information screen
System temperature information
At the AC information screen, if a temperature sensor is configured, pres sing
▼ displays the screen shown in
Figure 4-14.