Functional capabilities.
The system enables to control air capacity of the supply and extract fan in 3 speed steps:
1 - low speed;
2 - medium speed;
3 - maximum speed.
2. The temperature sensors enable to select the most suitable operation mode for maintaining
a pre-set air temperature in the air duct.
3. The control panel is equipped with a temperature sensor thereby enabling maintaining
of the set (user-defined) indoor temperature at the selected fan speed or in accordance
with the set service function mode (see below). The required operation mode setting as well
as the current parameters (i.e. indoor temperature, set temperature, fan speed and
heater power) are shown on the LCD display.
4. The energy-saving optimization program calculates the heater power required to sustain
the indoor temperature with up to 1°C accuracy while adjusting the heater power to 1%.
5. The air bypass damper prevents freezing of the heat exchanger at low supply
air temperature and, if necessary, disables intake air entering the heat exchanger in the
cold ventilation mode (heat exchanger bypass mode).
6. The system status monitoring program controls the operating parameters of the unit
and initiates emergency shutdown in dangerous situations (i.e. heater overheating or
communication loss) by sending corresponding signals to the control panel.
Filter replacement warnings are displayed at user-defined intervals (see below).
7. The control panel enables to control various extra connected devices as duct heaters,
dampers, etc.