V. 05 – 05/06/2014
©Ve lleman nv
Introductio n
To all residents of the Europe an Union
Important environme ntal information about this product
This symbol on the de vice or the package indicates that
disposal of the de vice afte r its life cycle could harm the
e nvironm ent. Do not dispose of the unit (or batte rie s) as
unsorted m unicipal waste ; it should be take n to a
spe cialize d com pany for re cycling. This de vice should be
re turned to your distributor or to a local re cycling se rvice . R espe ct
the local e nvironme ntal rule s.
If in doubt, contact your local waste disposal authoritie s.
Thank you for choosing Velleman! Please read the manual thoroughly
before bringing this de vice into se rvice . If the device was damaged in
transit, don't install or use it and contact your deale r.
Safety Instructions
Ke ep the de vice away from childre n and unauthorised
use rs.
R isk of e le ctroshock whe n opening the cove r. Touching live
wi re s can cause life -thre atening e le ctroshocks. Do not
ope n the housing yourself. Have the de vice repaire d by
qualified pe rsonne l.
DO NOT disassem ble or open the cove r. The re are no
use r-se rviceable parts inside the de vice . Re fe r to an
authorized deale r for se rvice and/or spare parts.
General Guidelines
Re fe r to the Ve llem an® Se rvice and Quality Warranty on the last
page s of this manual.
Ke ep this de vice away from dust and ex treme heat.