V. 05 – 05/06/2014
©Ve lleman nv
Net work Co nfiguration
Use this window to vie w or change the ne twork se ttings of the
came ra.
W he n conne cte d to a DHCP route r, che ck the O btain IP from DHCP
se rve r che ck box , othe rwise unche ck it and fill in the data
In case of a subne t m ismatch, change the IP-address or subne t
mask .
W he n in doubt about the ne twork se ttings, contact a qualifie d
ne twork adm inistrator.
Upgrade firm ware
O nly use this option whe n problems with the curre nt ve rsion are
noticed. Do not upgrade if the cam e ra work s fine .
Caution: whe n the upgrade proce ss is inte rrupted or a wrong
ve rsion is installed the cam e ra m ight not work anymore .
Refresh Camera List
Use this option to update the came ra list, for exam ple whe n a ne w
came ra is added to the ne twork .