V. 05 – 05/06/2014
©Ve lleman nv
(se e above). W he n this option is se le cted, you can also se t the
upload inte rval (in se conds).
Se le ct the che ckbox Schedule r to ope n the day sche dule.
Upgrade Device F irm ware
Upgrade Device F irm ware
O nly use this option if you are ex pe rie ncing problem s with the
curre nt ve rsion. Do not upgrade if the came ra work s fine .
Backup & Restore settings
Backup a nd restore yo ur system co nfigurat ion
Use this option to create a backup or re store your system
To cre ate a back up, click Subm it and choose a location to store
the back up file .
To restore a pre viously made back up, click Browse to locate the
back up and click Subm it to start re storing.