VN-200 User Manual
Table 16 - Example Write Register Command
Example Command
UART Command
UART Response
SPI Command (8 bytes)
02 05 00 00 80 25 00 00 (shown as hex)
SPI Response (8 bytes)
00 02 05 00 80 25 00 00 (shown as hex)
Write Settings Command
This command will write the current register settings into non-volatile memory. Once the settings are
stored in non-volatile (Flash) memory, the VN-200 module can be power cycled or reset, and the register
will be reloaded from non-volatile memory. The module can always be reset to the factory settings by
issuing the Restore Factory Settings command (Section 0) or by pulling pin 7 (Tare/Restore) high during
Table 17 - Example Write Settings Command
Example Command
UART Command
UART Response
SPI Command (8 bytes)
03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (shown as hex)
SPI Response (8 bytes)
00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 (shown as hex)
Due to limitations in the flash write speed the write settings command takes ~ 500ms to
complete. Any commands that are sent to the sensor during this time will be responded to
after the operation is complete.
Restore Factory Settings Command
This command will restore the VN-200 module’s factory default settings (see Section 6) and reset the
module. There are no parameters for this command. The module will respond to this command before
restoring the factory settings.
Table 18 - Example Restore Factory Settings Command
Example Command
UART Command
UART Response
SPI Command (8 bytes)
04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (shown as hex)
SPI Response (8 bytes)
00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 (shown as hex)