Geographical coordinates destination
Tap this button to display the geo-coordinates of your current
location. Tapping the individual coordinates allows you to enter the destination
coordinates. When entering geographic coordinates, you must also select the
northern or southern hemisphere through the globe in the bottom right of the
screen. The coordinates are given in "degrees/minute/second".
POI – "Point of Interest" destination
POIs (Points of Interest) are special destinations or locations of interest such as restaurants,
petrol stations etc., the addresses of which are saved in the corresponding navigation system
If you want to select a POI as the navigation destination, tap this button to
call up a further selection. In the following screen, define where you require this
destination: near the current
or near the
Near position:
Tap this button to search for a POI near your current position.
You want to find a hotel near your current position. Tapping the
opens the POI menu. Tap the
Near position
button. The navigation system shows
you a list with all available POI categories. If you select
, the navigation
system will list all the known hotels in the area. The hotel nearest to your current
position will be at the top of the list. Tap on the desired hotel. You have now
selected the hotel as the destination. The route will now be calculated auto-
matically and displayed on the map. To start the guidance, tap on
in the
confirmation screen that appears.
Near destination:
Tap this button to search for a POI near your destination.
Stopping guidance
Stop guidance:
Tap this button to stop the current guidance.
This also applies for guidance in simulation mode.