Auto scale:
Activate this function to automatically scale the map view. Scaling
is carried out depending on the speed, and when approaching a crossing.
Full route display:
Activate this option to clearly display the full remaining
route with active guidance on the screen. The selected mode is indicated by a
green tick. If you do not wish to use
Full route display
, deactivate the setting. The
Zoom in/out
function is not possible with this setting.
Current street:
Tap this button to display the name of the street you are
currently on. The street name is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Current city:
Tap this button to display the name of the city you are currently
in. The street name is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Next street:
Tap this button to display the name of the street you will turn onto
next at the top of the screen.
Lane guidance:
This function advises on lane selection for motorways and rural
roads based on the next direction change. Tap this button to use this function.
The available lanes are displayed in the Traffic Info on Route and the preferred
lane is indicated in green.
Destination arrow:
Tap this button to have an arrow indicate the direction of
the selected destination – relative to the travel direction – during Traffic Info on
Route guidance.
TMC icons:
Tap this button to have detailed information on TMC messages (e.g.
traffic jams) on the screen in the form of icons. Only available with the optional
TMC active cradle.
POI icons:
Tap this button to have
(e.g. petrol stations or ho-
tels) displayed on the screen. When you
tap the button, the POI category list is
displayed. You can then tap the re-
quired category in order to display, for
example, the petrol stations on the
map. Please also see "POI – "Point of In-
terest" destination" on page 82.