This menu allows you to simulate a
guidance from any start location to any
Please note that a simulation takes the same
amount of time as the actual guidance. In this
mode, "Simulation" appears on the screen. The
simulation can also be used to plan routes and the
travel time from A to B in various different condi-
tions. The results are displayed in the status bar if
you choose to display the
Travel time
. If you have read the information, e.g. the
travel time, you can end the navigation simulation.
Unlike with a route planner, there is no need to
print anything off; the navigation system will
reliably guide you to your destination.
The destination for the simulation can always be selected in
Main menu
via the
. The destination address can be selected as the first or last step of simulation.
Start location:
Tap this button to open the Address entry screen. Enter the
desired start address here and end the entry by tapping
. If you have already
activated the destination and the simulation mode (see below), simulation is
Simulation on/off:
Tap this button to activate/deactivate the simulation mode.
The green tick indicates that the simulation mode is active. To end the simula-
tion, deactivate simulation mode.
Please note:
You also need to end the guidance. To do this, tap the
Stop guidance
button in the toolbar.
Drive back:
If you want to run the simulation from the start location to the
destination and back again, tap this button. The green tick indicates that the
mode is active.