Changing oil in the front axle hubs
Change oil in the front axle hubs periodically.
1. Inspection hole
1. Turn the wheel until the inspection hole is pointing downwards.
2. Unscrew the plug and drain the oil into a suitable container.
3. Turn the wheel until the line of the inspection hole is horizontal.
4. Fill up with oil to the level of the hole.
5. Clean the plug and refit it.
Changing the fuel filter
Change the fuel filter periodically.
Always use original AGCO parts fuel filters.
IMPORTANT: Using other fuel filters than the original ones, even for a short
period of time, may cause lower performance and expensive damages.
NOTE: When using first generation Biodiesel fuel with dilution over 7%, change
the fuel filter and prefilter every 500 hours. With second generation Biodiesel fuel
the service interval is normal (1200 hours).
4. Maintenance
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