background image


homologated type.  Keep it away from the work area, from damp, 

wet, greasy and sharp surfaces and also from sources of heat and 


8)  The socket of the extension lead must be the homologated 

10-16A/250V two-pole type.  The cross section of the wire must 

be equal to or greater than 1 mm².  Use a matched cable no lighter 

than the H05VV-F type

9)  Always get hold of the actual plug when unplugging the power 

supply cable from the mains socket.

10)  Do not use the power supply cable to lift or pull the tool.

11)  This tool is manufactured with the double insulation system.  

Double insulation offers additional electrical safety and means 

that there is no need to earth the tool.


Check the full supply, the integrity of the machine and all accessories 

before starting the tool.  

Make sure that the main ON/OFF switch is turned off (0) then:

Plug the polisher plug into the electrical mains socket.

To start: press the switch (Fig.A pos.2)

To stop: release the switch (Fig.A pos.2)


Once you have carefully read the safety standards, strictly follow the tips 

given below to ensure utmost performance of your polisher.

Proceed calmly.  Only once you have become familiar with the tool will 

you be able to fully exploit its potentials.

-  Start the tool only once you have got a firm hold of the handle and 

rest it on the object to be polished.

-  Do not polish damp or wet objects.

-  Do not press the tool hard down on the surface to be polished


WARNING! Unplug the tool from the mains socket before 

proceeding with any sort of inspection or maintenance jobs.

Take good care of your tool and clean it regularly.  In this way its 

efficiency will be ensured and its wear extended.

-  When using the tool and also when the job has been finished carefully 

clean the tool’s air vents.

-  Clean the tool using exclusively a cloth damped with warm water 

and a soft brush.

-  Do not wet or spray water over the tool.

-  Do not use detergents, scourers or other solvents to clean the tool as 

you could irreparably damage it.  Chemical agents easily deteriorate 

the plastic parts.

-  Contact an authorised service centre for any repair or maintenance 

jobs that are not specified herewith.




If the polisher fails to start: check if all the electrical connections are 

firmly plugged into the mains.  Check if the life-saver switch has tripped.  

Check if a fuse has blown in your own electrical system.  It the problem 

persists following these checks then the problem could be in the tool 

so have an authorised service centre check it out.


Follow the tips below to store the tool:

1)  Clean the tool and all its accessories thoroughly (see maintenance 


2)  Store the tool away from children’s reach, in a stable and safe 

position and in a dry and cool place.  Avoid excessively high or 

low temperatures.

3)  Protect the tool from direct light, keeping it possibly in the dark 

or semi-dark.

4)  Do not close it in nylon bags where humidity could be 



 Electric and electronic refuse may contain potentially hazardous 

substances for the environment and human health. It should therefore 

not be disposed of with domestic waste, but by means of differentiated 

collection at specific centres or returned to the vendor in the event of 

purchasing a new identical appliance. Illegal fly tipping is a criminal 

offence and is subject to prosecution.


The product is protected by law against all non-conformities with 

respect to its stated characteristics, as long as it has been used solely 

in the way described in this user’s manual, it has not been tampered 

with in any way, it has not been repaired by unauthorised personnel 

and, where necessary, only original spare parts have been used.

Consumables and/or components subject to particular wear, such 

as batteries, bulbs, cutting and finishing elements, etc. are excluded 

from the guarantee.

Take the product to your retailer or an authorised service centre, 

exhibiting proof of purchase.

The undersigned company

Declares under its own liability that the machine:

PRODUCT: Car polisher



Complies with the essential safety and health requirements of 

Directives 2006/42/EC, 2014/30/EC, 2014/35/EC

SCHIO,  07.2015

An attorney

Arrigo Zanella 



Via Lago Maggiore, 24 - 36015 SCHIO (VI) Italia

Summary of Contents for LA3300

Page 1: ... MANTENIMIENTO ΕΓΧΕΙΡΙΔΙΟ ΧΡΗΣΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗΣ ATTENZIONE Primo di usare l apparecchio leggere attentamente le istruzioni per l uso WARNING Read the instruction handbook carefully before using the polisher ATTENTION Avant d utiliser l appareil lisez attentivement le mode d emploi ATENCIÓN Antes de utilizar el aparato lea detenidamente las instrucciones para el uso ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ Πριν χρησιμοποιήσετε τη ...

Page 2: ...2 ...

Page 3: ... vostra sicurezza e per una corretta prevenzione sanitaria Il mancato rispetto di tale norma può creare seri problemi alla vostra integrità fisica 7 Quando l utensile è in moto tenetelo lontano da ogni parte del corpo 8 Non avviate l utensile quando non è in posizione di lavoro 9 Spegnete il motore e staccate l utensile dalla presa di alimentazione quando non lo usate lo lasciate incustodito lo co...

Page 4: ...atrice non si avvia controllate che tutti gli allacciamenti elettrici siano ben collegati alla rete controllate che non sia scattato l apparecchio salvavita controllate che nel vostro impianto elettrico non sia scattato qualche fusibile Dopo queste operazioni il mancato avviamento é imputabileall utensile fatelocontrollaredauncentrodiassistenzaelettrica e non rende necessaria la messa a terra auto...

Page 5: ...6 Always wear suitable clothing when using the tool Wear also protection goggles work gloves and protective face mask WARNING Individual protective gear is essential to safeguard your own safety and health The failed observance of this standard may create serious problems with regard to your physical integrity 7 Keep the tool away from all parts of your body when it is running 8 Do not start the t...

Page 6: ...ct an authorised service centre for any repair or maintenance jobs that are not specified herewith TROUBLE SHOOTING WARNING UNPLUG THE TOOL FROM THE MAINS SOCKET BEFORE DOING ANYTHING If the polisher fails to start check if all the electrical connections are firmly plugged into the mains Check if the life saver switch has tripped Check if a fuse has blown in your own electrical system It the probl...

Page 7: ...ettes de sécurité des gants de travail et le masque de protection ATTENTION Les protections personnelles sont essentielles pour votre sécurité et pour une prévention sanitaire correcte Le non respect de cette norme peut créer de sérieux problèmes à votre intégrité physique 7 Quand l outil est en mouvement ne l approcher pas de votre corps 8 Ne mettez pas l outil en marche quand il n est pas en pos...

Page 8: ...érations d entretien non spécifiées dans ces instructions adressez vous au centre d assistance agréé RECHERCHE DES PANNES ATTENTION AVANT TOUTE INTERVENTION COUPEZ L ALIMENTATION ELECTRIQUE Si la polisseuse ne se met pas en marche contrôlez que tous les branchements électriques sont bien branchés au réseau contrôlez que le disjoncteur n est pas intervenu contrôlez qu aucun fusible n est intervenu ...

Page 9: ...enta emplear las dos manos 6 Trabajar siempre con indumentos adecuados Por lo tanto llevar gafas protectoras guantes de faena y careta protectora ATENCIÓN Los medios individuales de protección son fundamentales para su seguridad y para una correcta prevención delosaccidentes Elincumplimientodeestanormapuedeconllevar serios riesgos para su integridad física 7 Cuando la herramienta está en marcha es...

Page 10: ...e Las partes en plástico son fácilmente atacables por los agentes químicos Para las operaciones de reparación y mantenimiento no especificadas en estas instrucciones cabe dirigirse al centro de servicio técnico autorizado AVERIGUACIÓN DE AVERÍAS ATENCIÓN ANTES DE EFECTUAR CUALQUIER OPERACIÓN CORTE LA ALIMENTACIÓN ELÉCTRICA Si la pulidora no arranca compruebe que todas las conexiones eléctricas est...

Page 11: ...χημάτων Η μη τήρηση του κανονισμού αυτού μπορεί να δημιουργήσει σοβαρά προβλήματα στην φυσική σας ακεραιότητα 7 Όταν το εργαλείο είναι σε κίνηση κρατάτε το μακριά από κάθε μέρος του σώματός σας 8 Μη θέτε σε λειτουργία το εργαλείο όταν δεν βρίσκεται σε θέση εργασίας 9 Να σβήνετε το κινητήρα και να βγάζετε το εργαλείο από τη πρίζα τροφοδοσίας όταν δεν το χρησιμοποιείτε το αφήνετε αφύλακτο το ελέγχετ...

Page 12: ...Ε ΤΗΝ ΗΛΕΚΤΡΙΚΗ ΤΡΟΦΟΔΟΣΙΑ Αν ο λουστραδόρος δεν εκκινεί ελέγξτε αν όλες οι ηλεκτρικές συνδέσεις είναι καλά συνδεδεμένες στο δίκτυο Ελέγξτε αν έχει ενεργοποιηθεί η συσκευή κατά της ηλεκτροπληξίας Ελέγξτε αν στην ηλεκτρική σας εγκατάσταση κάηκε κάποια ασφάλεια Μετά τις ενέργειες αυτές η μη εκκίνηση οφείλεται στο εργαλείο ζητείστε έλεγχο από ένα εξουσιοδοτημένο κέντρο τεχνικής υποστήριξης ΑΠΟΘΗΚΕΥΣΗ...
