- 36 -
7- Service procedures - Shaft seal assembly
11. Fill the compressor with the specified amount
of clean compressor oil through the oil filler.
12. Install the oil filler plug with a new O-ring, and
tighten it to the specified torque:
Specified torque: 15 - 18 N·m
{1.5 - 1.8 kgf·m, 11 - 13 lbf·ft}
13. Install the strainer in the suction port.
14. Fit the blanking plates/connectors to the
suction and discharge connections, and tighten
them to the specified torque:
Specified torque: 25 - 32 N·m
{2.5 - 3.3 kgf·m, 18 - 24 lbf·ft}
15. Install the magnetic clutch as described on
page 31.
16. Run in the compressor as described on page 21.
17. Perform the leak test as described on page 22.
Oil filler plug