Chapter 2 ___________________________________________________________Product Overview
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 37
Soil Moisture Sensor
Figure 21
ML2x Soil Moisture Sensor
ML2x Soil Moisture Sensor features a new technique with the
accuracy of
2 % soil moisture.
Traditional low cost sensors made of gypsum block dissolve even in a
short period of time when exposed to high moisture. The ML2x
sensors are very durable. The rods are 60 mm long, made of resilient,
solid stainless steel, and can be unscrewed and replaced if necessary.
All exposed materials are either stainless steel or durable plastic, and
the probes are fully sealed. This way they can also safely be buried
into the ground.
The ML2x probes offer high accuracy and extended lifetime in
permanent or temporary measurements of soil moisture.
Water Level Sensors
Figure 22
QMV101 Water Level Sensor