physical and environmental specifications 89
pin-out, RS-232 connector 15
ping command 76
point light compensation 45-46
power 9-10, 16-17, 22-24, 91
issues, troubleshooting 91
on and off 22-24
options 10, 16-17
PoE+ 9-10
power-up settings 42
presets 23-24, 43, 64, 70
clearing 24
moving to 64
recalling 70
renaming 43
setting 24, 70
privacy 63
Pro AV LED Color Scheme setting 62
product capabilities 2
product returns and repairs 97
quantization (IP streaming setting) 52
quick reference 23, 28, 46-47
Vaddio IR Remote Commander 23
web interface 28
ready state 63, 74
rebooting the camera 40, 76
red gain 45, 47, 71-72
remote control 23-24
reset See also rebooting the camera; restor-
ing default settings
IP streaming 51-52
restoring a configuration 38
restoring default settings 77, 93
RJ-45 connectors 15
room information 37
Room Labels page (web) 37
rotary switch 13
RS-232 commands 80, 82-83, 85-88
setting values 85-86
RS-232 connector 15
RTMP streaming 49, 54
RTSP streaming 49, 51-53
safety requirements 11
saving a configuration 38
scenes, CCU 43-44, 64
Scott 44
Security page (web) 35-36
session time-out 35
settings, default, restoring 77, 93
shelf-mounted cameras 21
shelf, camera mount 12
soft DIP switches 62
solving problems 90-92
specifications 89
speed 56-57, 66-69
focus 69
pan/tilt/zoom 56-57, 66-68
SSL certificate 36
Standard Control/Codec Control setting 62
standby (low-power) state 63, 74
start-up behavior, setting 42
static IP address 30, 32-33
status light 8, 22, 62, 73, 90
color scheme 62
enabling/disabling 73
location 8
meanings of colors 22, 90
storage environment 94
storing a configuration 38
stream viewer 49
streaming 49-55, 74-75, 92
enabling or disabling 49-50
IP 49
issues, troubleshooting 92
MTU, setting 55
quality 52
settings 51-55, 75
state 74
USB 49
Streaming page (web) 49, 53-55
streaming URL 53
supported web browsers 25
switch settings 12-13, 39, 60, 62
3G Level A/Level B 62
Enable LED in Standby 62
HDMI Audio Enabled/Disabled 62
Complete Manual for RoboSHOT HDBT High-Performance PTZ Cameras