RS-232 Serial Communication Settings
The RS-232 serial port (color-coded blue) provides a means of controlling the camera from a third-party
device. Be sure the camera is set to the same baud rate as the external control device.
If the camera is powered by a OneLINK device, an RS-232 port is available on the OneLINK for an external
control device. Be sure the camera is set to the same baud rate as the external control device.
Communication Speed
9600 or 38400 baud, selectable
Number of start bits
Number of stop bits
Number of data bits
Flow control
The camera's default baud rate is 9600. The 38400 baud setting is optional if the connected device
supports it.
Cabling Notes
When making cables, do not use pass-through RJ-45 connectors. If they are crimped
incorrectly, they can damage the connectors on the product, cause intermittent
connections, and degrade signal quality. Physical damage to the connectors may void
your warranty.
– will make reliable contact
with cable connector
– Bent contact fingers
will NOT make reliable contact
with cable connector
Use Cat-5e or better cable. We recommend using high-quality connectors and a high-quality crimping tool.
We recommend shielded cabling if the cables will be coiled, run tightly with other cables, or placed close
sources of electromagnetic interference such as power lines.
Check your cables. Connecting a cable to the wrong port or using the wrong pin-out can result in equipment
damage and will void the warranty.
Pro Tip
To prevent tragic mishaps, label both ends of every cable.
Complete Manual for RoboSHOT HDBT High-Performance PTZ Cameras