ProductionVIEW HD MV
ProductionVIEW HD MV Manual - Document Number 342-0241 Rev G
Page 22 of 36
Def Idle Rtn
(Default Idle Return Position - Automatic Mode only using an external trigger such as a StepVIEW Mat)
>00 – 60
Default Camera Idle Return Timer - with no other trigger input, the system returns to the Default Camera and Default
Preset after this time elapses (The default setting is 10 or roughly 10 seconds. To disable function, set to 00. )
Pan Dir Menu
(Pan Direction Menu)
>All Ports: Normal or Invert (default is Normal) Inverts the Joystick Pan Direction (Inverted - left = right)
>Port 01: Normal or Invert
>Port 02: Normal or Invert
>Port 03: Normal or Invert
>Port 04: Normal or Invert
>Port 05: Normal or Invert
>Port 06: Normal or Invert
Tilt Dir Menu
(Tilt Direction Menu)
>All Ports: Normal or Invert (default is Normal) Inverts the Joystick Tilt Direction (Inverted - up = down)
>Port 01: Normal or Invert
>Port 02: Normal or Invert
>Port 03: Normal or Invert
>Port 04: Normal or Invert
>Port 05: Normal or Invert
>Port 06: Normal or Invert
Zoom Direction
>Normal or Invert (default is Normal)
Inverts the Joystick Zoom Direction (Inverted - Clockwise twist = zoom out)
Preset Pan Speed
>01 – 24 (default is 18)
Sets the Pan Speed on all cameras between camera presets (24 is fastest)
(This parameter does not affect the Pan Speed or sensitivity of the Joystick)
Preset Tilt Speed
>01 – 20 (default is 15)
Sets Tilt Speed on all cameras between camera preset changes (20 is fastest)
(This parameter does not affect the Tilt Speed on the Joystick)
Preset Zoom Speed
>00 – 07 (default is 04)
Sets Zoom Speed on all cameras between camera presets
>Trigs 6 Cam/Cam 2
>Trigs All 12 Cam 1
(External Trigger Assignment - 6 triggers each for cameras 1 and 2, or all 12 triggers for camera 1 presets. Triggers
work in Automatic Mode Only)
Tally A=PGM and B=PRE
(Six tally outs for the Program and Preview buses. Very useful when the console is
used in Dual Mode as 2 separate 6x1 switchers)
Tally A+B=PGM
(Sets the tally outs to all Program so two (2) devices can be tallied independently)
Select Follow Preview
When activated, camera selection switching follows the Preview bus selection, immediately transferring joystick and
camera control directly to the camera selected on the Preview bus (On is default). NOTE: This function only works in
Single Bus Mode – and not in Dual Bus Mode.
>On or Off
When activated, you must go to Touch Screen Menu and select either the 22” or 18.5” Vaddio TeleTouch Touch