Service Privacy Notice
Danger, Inc. (“Danger”) operates a service on behalf of your wireless carrier that enables certain features on your
wireless device, including email, Internet access, instant messaging, address book, and calendar functions (the
“Danger Service”). The Danger Service also includes a Web site operated by Danger (the “Danger Service Web Site”)
that subscribers may use to access these features, as described more fully in the Reference Guide accompanying your
wireless device. This Privacy Notice applies to information collected by Danger in connection with its operation of the
Danger Service. This Notice does not apply to information collected on other Web sites owned or operated by Danger,
such as www.danger.com or www.hiptop.com. To find out how Danger handles information collected on those Web sites,
please read the privacy policies located at those sites. Finally, this Notice does not apply to information collected by your
wireless carrier. Please refer to your wireless carrier’s privacy policy to learn what information it collects about you and
how such information is used.
At Danger we are committed to maintaining the privacy and accuracy of your personal information and to protecting
such information from loss, misuse and unauthorized access and disclosure. This Privacy Notice describes how Danger
treats information received about you when you register to use the Danger Service, when you provide information to us,
and when you use the Danger Service.
It is important to know that we collect different types of information. We use each type of information in different ways, as
explained in more detail below. The terms defined below are used throughout our Privacy Notice.
1. “Personal Information”
is any information that personally identifies you as an individual. Examples of this type of
information would be your name, address, telephone number, email address, and other information that personally
identifies you. Personal Information also includes data you transmit and/or store on the Danger Service, such as your
address book, notes, tasks, pictures and the contents of messages and emails you send and receive.
2. “Anonymous Information”
does not personally identify you as an individual. It is information collected without
connecting it to any name, address, or other Personal Information. Although this data does not personally identify you,
it does provide us with anonymous information about how people are using our Service. For example, Anonymous
Information collected by us may describe how many people viewed a particular Web site or used a particular feature of
our Service, but this data does not disclose Personal Information of those people.
Personal Information
Danger collects certain information that personally identifies you. When you register to become a user of the Danger
Service, Danger requests your name. Danger also collects the mobile phone number for the device you are registering
and the email address assigned to you as a subscriber to the Danger Service. In addition, if you use your wireless device
to access third party products and services, such as instant messaging services, Danger will collect your screen name(s)
and password(s) for these services.
By using the Danger Service, you will transmit and store on Danger’s servers other personal information, such as your
address book, notes, tasks, pictures, sound/video recordings and the contents of emails you send and receive. You may
also retrieve email from your existing email accounts with third party services by using protocols such as “POP”. When
you set up mail accounts through the Danger Service, Danger collects the email addresses and other information associ-
ated with these accounts and stores the content of the email messages sent to these accounts on its servers.
80 Legal Information