generated by MD5 for response packet. Attribute indicates the attribute in RADIUS protocol
Figure 8-6. RADIUS Packet Format
Ideal network uses of following RADIUS protocol packets:
Ac cess-Request: Code value is 1, authentication request paket from authenticator
system to authentication server system is packed into Ac cess-Request through user’s
name and password.
Acc ess-Acc ept: Code value is 2, response packet from authentication server system
to authenticator system indicates that user has been authenticated.
Acc ess-Reject: Code value is 3, response packet from authentication server system to
authenticator system indicates that user was not authenticated.
Access-Challenge: Code value is 11, response packet from authentication server
system to authenticator system indicates that authentication server system need
further user’s info. e.g. password etc.
Accounting-Request: Code value is 4, authenticator system send accounting request
packet (including accounting starting and finish) to authentication server system, and
accounting info. is packed into this packet.
Ac counting-Response: Code value is 5, accounting response packet from
authentication server system to authenticator system indicates that accounting info.
has been received.