8.4 Configure RADIUS
In this Section configuration of RADIUS is described in detail, including:
RADIUS default configuration
Configure IP Add. of authentication server system
Configure share key
Start and close accounting
Configure RADIUS port and attribute info.
Shows RADIUS info.
1. RADIUS default configuration
RADIUS default configuration of iSpirit 3026 switch is as follows: IP Add. without host
authentication server system and alternate authentication server system, i.e. IP Add. is
There is not share key configured, i.e. character string of share key is null. Accounting default is
under operation. RADIUS authentication UDP port is 1812, and accounting UDP port is 1813.
The value of RADIUS attribute NASPort is 0xc353, the value of NASPortType is 0x0f, and the
value of NASPortServer is 0x02.
2. Configure IP Add. of authentication server system
In order to ensure RADIUS communications between switch and authentication server system,
IP Add. of authentication server system should be configured in switch. In practical application
an authentication server system or two authentication server system can be used, one of them is
as host authentication server system and another is as alternate authentication server system. If
the switch is equipped with IP Add. of two authentication servers system, communication will
realize between switch and alternate authentication server system if communication between
switch and host authentication server system is cut off.
Following command under global CONFIG mode configure IP Add. of host
authentication server system
radius-server host <ip-address>
Following command under global CONFIG mode configure IP Add. of alternate
authentication server system
radius-server option-host <ip-address>