Following command is used for deleting class bandwidth limitation, i.e. class is not
configured with bandwidth limitation policy
“no meter” under global CONFIG mode input the following command clear out one or all
classes in QoS policy, if the class-id is not input, clear out all classes in QoS policy
specific classes should be cleared out if the “class-id” is input: no qos policy <policy-id>
As follows is the sample for QoS policy configuration
Policy 2 includes two classes: Class 3 and Class 4. Both of them are ACL classes,
separately matched with IP standard ACL group 3 and IP extended ACL group 203. Class 3
is configured with DSCP class information
whose value is 40, limited bandwidth is 2Mbps,
and Class 4 is configured with IP Precedence class information, whose value is 6, but the
bandwidth is not limited. Configuration as follows:
Switch# qos class 3
Create class 3
Switch(class-3)# match acl 3
class 3 is the ACL class, choose ACL group 3, suppose ACL group
3 has been existed
Switch(class-3)# qos class 4
Create class 4
Switch(class-4)# match acl 203
class 4 is ACL class, choose ACL group 203, suppose that ACL
group 203 has been existed
Switch(class-4)# exit
exit from CLASS configuration mode
Switch# show qos class
shows class configuration
Switch# qos policy 2
enter into POLICY configuration mode
Switch(policy-2)# class 3
choose class 3, enter into POLICY CLASS mode, provide QoS policy
configuration for class 3
Switch(policy-map-class 3)# set dscp 40
set DSCP class information
Switch(policy-map-class 3)# meter 20
set the bandwidth limitations for class3
Switch(policy-map-class 3)# exit
exit from POLICY CLASS mode
Switch(policy-2)# class 4
Choose class 4, enter into POLICY CLASS mode, provide QoS policy
configuration for class 4
Switch(policy-map-class 4)# set ip_precedence 6
set IP Precedence class information
Switch(policy-map-class 4)# show qos policy 2
shows configuration of Policy 2
One QoS policy can choose one or more QoS classes, at most 128 classes can be chosen. One
class in one QoS policy can only be configured with one of the COS class information, IP