Special operation instructions
The transporting pipes or hoses shall be secured in a way that the resulting forces are taken
up by the adequate fixation points (hose hooks). This is specially applied to pipes or hoses
which are quite elevated from the ground level.
The transporting pipes or hoses shall be placed in a way that they cannot suffer ny damage.
In case of direction changes, the curvature circle cannot be smaller than six times the
external diameter of the pipe.
Use only high pressure hoses (40 bar nominal pressure) for original UTIFORM mortars
with factory integrated couplings.
Before starting the machine, make sure nobody is in danger because of its operation.
When starting the machine, make sure the transporting pipe or hose has been sufficiently
lubricated with what it is commonly known as lime washing, so that the material used can
be easily pumped. Besides, no jams shall exist at the joints.
Both at the activation or failure of the machine security devices, the operation of the same
shall be stopped until the failure is found and repaired.
Before opening the transporting pipe or hose systems or other components of the
transporting system under pressure, make sure there is no pressure at all on the system.
When obstructed, the machine shall immediately be disconnected to prevent a major
obstruction. Generally, an obstruction within the mortar hose can be eliminated by
introducing a water hose in the transporting direction and beating repeatedly on the engine
hose until the material runs without difficulty.
Please be extra careful when clearing obstructions as there might be injury risk!
When clearing obtsructions, take always into account that the mortar hose can be under
pressure even when it is disconnected. Please pay attention to the hose manometer!
Please protect your eyes and face! Adequate protection glasses shall be worn!
Firstly, lighten the mortar hose under pressure by starting the pump reverse gear, to which aim
the phase shift switch or reverser shall be connected in a different direction. Please look now at
the mortar pressure manometer. Open the hose coupling while looking to a different direction
and wearing the protection glasses. If for any reason pressure cannot evacuate, the hose
coupling shall be secured with a building worker’s rope, covering it with paper sacks. Then, the
coupling levers can be started from a distance using a wire united to the coupling pins.