Operation and maintenance
Please make sure that during all maintenance works, inspections and repairs carried out, the
chanine is not started up involuntarily.
The V1 machine has been desifgned to need the minimum maintenance care. However, we
kindly ask you to follow the indications below step by step:
Both machine and hose shall be cleaned daily or before long work breaks as follows:
1. Pump until the mortar hopper is as empty as possible, but being careful that the pump does not
work dry.
2. Evacuate hose pressure by opening the pressure discharging key at the pump outlet. Only after
the mortar pressure manometer which is installed in the mortar hose shows no pressure at all,
the mortar hose can be disconnected from the mortar pressure control device.
Even when the machine is off, the mortar hose is under a high pressure, especially
when there is a clogging. This is the reason why it is so necessary to evacuate pressure before
disconnecting the hoses. To disconnect the hose couplers please wear protective glasses and look
3. Clean the stator outlet with a lot of clear water and check if the manometer works correctly.
4. Open the drainage outlet of the mortar hopper and clean it thoroughly with clear water.
5. Close the drainige outlet and fill the mortar hopper with clear water. Then start the pump
shortly until only clean water comes out of it.
6. Introduce the two rubber balls within the mortar hose and connect it to the machine outlet or to
the water pipe. This way the wearing of the pump parts is reduced.
7. Start the pump or open the water tap. The water pushes the rubber balls as if it was a plunger
and expels the mortar left at the hose. If needed, repeat this operation as many times as it is
necessary until only clean water runs out of the hose.
Never clean the hoses with water and without rubber balls, as the mortar
cementing material is evacuated and there are sand rests at the hose that, when starting the machine
agin, cause important cloggings.
8. Impregnate the mortar deposit with an appropiate concrete solver or with a deshuttering liquid,
as this way we avoid the mortar to get firmly adhered, and afterwards the machine can be
cleaned only with water.