3.6 Machine
Before starting the machine, all protection facilities need to be placed and ready to work
The pump
meets all requirements of the European security measures for building machines,
and to that aim all necessary security devices have been installed within the machine, both in the
screen opening of the transport hopper and, optionally, in the vibrating grid.
At the materials transport hopper there is a security screen to prevent the introduction of any
limb, and the subsequent danger to it. In the event the screen is opened fro any reason, there is a
security system (end of stroke), which acts immediately over the stop motion of the gearbox that
transmits the rotation and functioning over the material feeding worm.
When using the vibrting hopper for excessively granulated materials, there is a security device
that compels to disconnect the current plug of the vibrating hopper motovibrator to be able to move it
away from its correct position on top of the hopper.
When disconnecting the plug of the vibrating hopper at the electric board of the machine the
rotation and functioning of the gearbox transmitting the material feeding worm rotation is stopped.
Never touch through the
security screen!