Care iS required for shutters with mechanical limit switches:
do not power up if the shutter is completely closed.
Position the shutter mid-way using the opening and closing wires before powering up the module.
The module will adapt
to the various types of shutters with electronic, electrical, or mechanical limit switches.
Motor operation is always limited to 90 seconds, except in the case of the electronic limit switches: in this case the operation
is limited to 40 seconds. Installers may change this type from 5 seconds (minimum) to infinite by using the electronic limit
switches (contact our Customer Care if necessary). Code 24 followed by code 26 allows the motor contact timing to be
1. use of the module
The MVR500MRP(X) may be controlled by a single or double (not interlocked) pushbutton. The shutter reacts within a few
tenths of a second after pressing the pushbutton.
With single pushbutton: press once to open or close the shutter completely. Press again while the shutter is moving to stop
it. In this case, the module will invert the direction of the movement the next time the pushbutton is pressed.
With the double pushbutton (not interlocked): (use of the accessory Yokis R12M Mod: 5454073 is required). Press the up
pushbutton to open and stop opening. Press the down pushbutton to close and stop closing. While closing, pressing the up
pushbutton will cause a 0.5 second stop before opening. Pressing both pushbuttons at the same time will open the shutter.
With remote control: As in the single pushbutton operation. Refer to the remote control instruction manual.
Short presses
: Yokis modules can be used or configured by means of sequences of short presses. The speed must be at
least two presses per second. The shutter will not move during the press sequence. The shutter will confirm the configuration
with a short up and down movement at the end of the press sequence. If several modules have to be configured identically,
the short press method may be used on the centralised pushbutton or, in the case of double centralised pushbuttons,–either
on the up or down pushbutton.
iMPortaNt: unlock the module with a 23 short presses sequence before starting to configure it.
2. intermediate position
An Intermediate position can be configured (for example: with the slats open). In order to do this, close the shutter completely
and then open it to the desired Intermediate position.
short presses will memorise the position. From this moment on,
presses will take the shutter to the previously stored position from any current position (closed, open, or in between).
3. daily scheduler
The daily scheduler makes it possible to open and close the shutter at set times. The MVR500MRP(X) has an internal 24-hour
clock. This clock does not need to be adjusted.
Daily scheduling of the closing time:
short presses performed at the time of the day at which you want to close the shutter.
Daily scheduling of the opening time:
short presses performed at the time of the day at which you want to open the shutter.
Daily scheduling of the intermediate position:
short presses performed at the time of the day at which you want to leave the
shutter in an intermediate position.
short presses deletes all scheduling.
short presses at 9:30 p.m. are sufficient to close the shutters every day at that time.
Note: The MVR500M will clear all daily scheduling if power is disconnected or in case of blackout. In these cases, the scheduled
times will need to be reprogrammed. As an alternative, an external timer switch or dusk sensor may be connected by the CVI34
accessory (Code 5454806).
short presses will
deactivate the possibility of setting daily schedules
. The user can no longer schedule daily opening,
closing, or intermediate position operations (this is recommended for installations in the service sector).
4. restoring default settings
short presses will restore the default settings. The module will perform the following actions in sequence: delete all daily
scheduling, delete the electronic limit switches, enable inverted movement in case of overload, set motor torque to low, delete
up and down wire logic reversal, enable daily scheduling, enable limit switch and motor torque control.
5. How to block the module
The configuration block prevents accidentally changing the module settings in case of repeated presses. The module is not
blocked when it leaves the factory.
short presses block the module. The module will no longer respond to configurations
made using the short presses sequence from 12 to 26. An exception is the
short presses sequence, which allows to remove
the block. The module will respond again to configurations set using the short presses sequences from 12 to 26.
urmet S.p.a. – 10154 toriNo (itaLY) – Via Bologna 188/C
For technical information, go to www.yokis.com or call:
Customer Service: +39 - export dept. Phone: +39 -
Fax: +39
DS1054-025B_A5 01/02/2017 10:21 Pagina 9