Function Keys
NOTE: A sample keyboard is included in the attachments. Refer to the keyboard
locations of the following keys
This is the Sign On key for entry of the Team Member’s Clerk number in all key positions.
Using the X, M or Z key, turn the key lock to the R, X, Z1/P, Z2, or SP position.
R (Register Mode), X (Report Print/Display Mode), Z1/P (Report Level 1 Print/Reset and
Program Modes), Z2 (Report Level 2 Print/Reset Mode), or SP (Supervisor Program
Enter a valid Team Member Clerk number
Press the “CLERK” key
Enter the PLU number of an item on the 10-key pad
Press the PLU key to register that item
This key is used for amount entries to open items. Dollar and cents amounts are entered
on the key pad. The decimal point is not used for amount entries.
$1.00 is entered by pressing 1 0 0
$10.00 is entered by pressing 1 0 0 0
$4.95 is entered by pressing 4 9 5
This key is used to choose and select entries in all key lock positions. A line from the
display will be selected by use of the SCROLL BACK, SCROLL FORWARD, PAGE UP or
PAGE DOWN KEYS. Press the ENTER key to choose the selected line. In general, this
key is used to accept entries and answer “YES” to register prompts.
This key is used to “Clear” entries prior to registering them with another key. It can be
used in some situations to clear an error condition. In general, this key is used to cancel
entries and answer “NO” to register prompts.