Program Options
Program > PLU > PLU > Type > Special PLU
Do not set type
In order to prevent Price Shift for Special PLU, set the same price for all price levels.
Related Program
Program > Payment > Media > Option
Special PLU amount collect allow
When a transaction is closed by the media which is not set this setting, it is considered that Special PLU charge
amount is not collected by the clerk. So
the amount is accumulated in “S
PLU NOT COLLECT” to be paid
from Manager after his/her job finished. For instance, in case of Card media closing, Special PLU charge amount
can not be collected by the clerk.
In case of Media 01 closing, it is considered as collectable regardless of this setting.
- ITEM % is prohibited after SPECIAL PLU registration.
Subtotal %, Discount and Adjustment affects the subtotal excluding Special PLU subtotal.