PLU menu levels
Up to 5 different menu levels with programmable name (Program > PLU > Menu Level), in addition to standard
layout, may be programmed into the HX
, e.g. ‘Drink Menu’, ‘Lunch Menu’, ‘Dinner Menu’, etc.
You can
change menu levels using either MENU SHIFT key or automatic menu shift.
- Menu level shift in programming
The menu level is changed using the Default Level (Program > PLU > Menu Level > System Option).
- Menu level shift by a MENU SHIFT button
MENU SHIFT key without any subject shows a list of the different menu levels for selection.
- Menu level shift using individual MENU SHIFT buttons
Each menu level can be selected by pressing one of MENU SHIFT 1 ~ 5 keys.
- Automatic Timed Menu Shift
The menu level is changed by changing the setting of MENU LEVEL TIME (Program > PLU > Menu Level) under
Use timed menu level change
(Program > PLU > Menu Level > System Option). This is convenient if you want to
change the menu levels on all the HXs in the same network at a time.
- Automatic Menu Shift by Location/Destination
The menu level is automatically shifted into the programmed menu level by Location/Destination program (Program
> Others > Location/Destination).
Program Options
Program > Display > Screen Layout > Menu Layout
Program > Clerk > Security Level > Sales Mode
Menu Change
Program > PLU > Menu Level > System Option
Default Level setting
Menu level goes back to the default
- after a menu is entered
- after a transaction is closed
- after a clerk is stored
Use timed menu level change