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Data can be Prints or transmits summary data for each measurement. When the Graph Mode prints Graphs
for any one or all of the Basic Measurement Parameters. In the Raw Data Mode, prints, or transmits voltage
and current data for each data point in either ASCII or Binary Format. The Sentry can use either DTR /
DSR or RTS / CTS Busy hardware handshaking and generally does
require a null modem to operate
with most serial printers and IBM personal computers.
If the "Raw" data is sent to the communications port rather than "Graph" data. In this mode data can be
transmitted in "ASCII" or "binary" format. "Binary" sends the same data as ASCII except the data is in
binary format which can be sent 5 times faster than ASCII format. The raw data consists of both a
voltage and current measurement every 40 microseconds, (25KHz sample rate). The ASCII format is:
"VVV AAACRLF". Voltage (VVV) and Current (CCC) are the A/D values which can range from 0 to
The device which is connected to the Sentry's Communications Interface should be configured for the
following protocol: 9600 Baud; Half-Duplex; 10 bit message (8 ASCII Coded Data Bits, 1 Start and 1
Stop Bit). In order to communicate with another device, such as a printer or a computer, the Sentry's
Receive Line must be connected to the other device's Transmit Line and the other device's Transmit
Line must be connected to the Sentry's Receive Line. If the device to which the Sentry is connected is
defined as a Data Terminal, its Transmit and Receive Lines are on Pins 2 and 3, respectively. If the
device is defined as a Data Set, then its Transmit and Receive Lines are on Pins 3 and 2. respectively.
The Sentry's Configuration Shunts allow it to communicate with either Data Terminals or Data Sets.
A Data Terminal will indicate that it is present by placing a "high" signal on its Request To Send Line
(Pin 4) which should be connected to the Sentry's Clear To Send (Pin 5). The Data Terminal will
indicate that it is ready to receive information by placing a "high" signal on its Data Terminal Ready
Line (Pin 20) which should be connected to the Sentry's Data Set Ready Line (Pin 6). There is a Shunt
on the Sentry's
Control Board which will allow the Sentry to detect "busy" signals from either Data Terminals or Data
After each weld, the Sentry maintains the data in memory until another weld occurs.
Summary of Contents for WELD SENTRY 2
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