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MS282 User’s Manual
3.3.6 Bookland EAN
Scan one of the following bar codes to enable or disable Bookland EAN.
Enable Bookland EAN
Disable Bookland EAN*
3.3.7 Bookland ISBN Format
If you enabled Bookland EAN, select one of the following formats for
Bookland data:
Bookland ISBN-10 -
The engine reports Bookland data starting with 978 in
traditional 10-digit format with the special Bookland check digit for
backward-compatibility. Data starting with 979 is not considered Bookland in this
Bookland ISBN-13
- The engine reports Bookland data (starting with either 978 or
979) as EAN-13 in 13-digit format to meet the 2007 ISBN-13 protocol.
Bookland ISBN-10*
Bookland ISBN-13