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MS282 User’s Manual
3.15 Symbology-Specific Security
3.15.1 Redundancy Level
The engine offers four levels of decode redundancy. Select higher
redundancy levels for decreasing levels of bar code quality.
As redundancy levels increase, the engine’s aggressiveness decreases.
Scan one of the following bar codes to select the redundancy level
appropriate for the bar code quality:
Redundancy Level 1
- The engine must read the following code types
twice before decoding:
Codabar (8 characters or less)
MSI (4 characters or less)
D 2 of 5 (8 characters or less)
I 2 of 5 (8 characters or less)
Redundancy Level 2
- The engine must read all code types twice before
Redundancy Level 3
- The engine must read code types other than the
following twice before decoding, but must read
the following codes three times:
Codabar (8 characters or less)
MSI (4 characters or less)
D 2 of 5 (8 characters or less)
I 2 of 5 (8 characters or less)
Redundancy Level 4
- The engine must read all code types three times
before decoding.