The email interface is shown as below.
SMTP server
: Please input your email SMTP server IP here.
: Please input corresponding port value here.
User name
: Please input the user name to login the sender email box.
: Please input the corresponding password here.
: Please input sender email box here.
: Please input email subject here. System support English character
and Arabic number. Max 32-digit.
: Please input receiver email address here.
Encrypt Type
: System supports SSL and TSL method only.
: The send interval ranges from 0 to 3600 seconds. 0 means there is
no interval.
Health email enable
: Please check the box here to enable this function. This
function allows the system to send out the test email to check the connection
is OK or not.
: Please check the above box to enable this function and then set the
corresponding interval. System can send out the email regularly as you set
here. Click the Test button, you can see the corresponding dialogue box to
see the email connection is OK or not.
Note: You can click Test button to check the details were entered correctly. System will not
send out the email immediately when the alarm occurs. When the alarm, motion detection