Creating new entries ...... 22
Deleting entries .............. 25
Editing entries ................ 24
Finding entries ............... 24
Making calls from ........... 31
Storing Caller ID or redial
numbers ...................... 24
Power failure operation ..... 57
Privacy mode............... 10, 39
Pulse dialing ................ 16, 43
Recording a call ................ 54
Recording a voice memo .. 55
Deleting a record ............34
Making calls with.............34
Choosing a handset ringer
Muting .............................38
Personal ring...................18
Room monitor.....................42
Safety notices ....................65
Screening calls.............50, 53
Security code .....................60
Answering system...........51
Seven-digit dialing..............39
Speed dial
Making calls from............ 31
Programming .................. 23
Programming on the dual-
keypad base ................ 26
Text, entering ..................... 12
Tone dialing .................16, 43
Transferring a call .............. 37
Volume, adjusting .............. 35
Wall mounting the base ..... 13
Warranty ............................ 68